Cober srl

Galium, the first poles for skiroll

Cober srl

The development of our main technical novelty in the 2024 summer collection paradoxically started with a winter landscape, snow and cross-country skiing, a discipline for which we already offer three models in our catalogue, in addition to rental poles in adult and junior versions.
That of poles specifically dedicated to skiroll was a request from many of the athletes and technicians with whom we collaborate in winter for the development and testing of our cross-country ski poles,” explains Alice Covini, Cober sales manager. “Skiroll is the main form of training for cross-country skiers when snow is not available, which is now not only in summer but also in autumn and the first weeks of winter. Dedicating a model to skiroll for us is both a sign of attention to this community of athletes and enthusiasts who have chosen our poles for winter activity, and an opportunity to select the best combination of materials for summer use by integrating construction details dedicated to rollerskiing such as the Nordic race basket“.

​Il nuovo bastone Cober per lo skiroll si chiama Galium, e utilizza la medesima combinazione di manopola in sughero naturale e passamano con guantino dei modelli invernali da sci di fondo. Il tubo fisso biconico è realizzato in Ergal, una lega di alluminio che unisce doti meccaniche superiori a una maggior leggerezza, per ben dieci diverse lunghezze da 130 a 175 centimetri. Al puntale in widia, per resistere nel tempo agli impatti sull’asfalto, Galium abbina la rotella minimalista nordic race, che riduce il peso nella zona terminale rispetto alle tradizionali rotelle invernali da cross country.


Our new poles for rollerskiing is called Galium, and use the same combination of natural cork grip and glove loop as the winter cross-country models. The biconical fixed shaft is made of Ergal, an aluminium alloy that combines superior mechanical qualities with greater lightness, for no less than ten different lengths from 130 to 175 centimetres. In addition to the widia tip, to withstand impacts on asphalt over time, Galium combines the minimalist Nordic Race basket, which reduces weight in the end zone compared to traditional winter cross-country baskets.